Funda kabanzi
Funda kabanzi
- Anti corrosion spiral steel pipe generally refers to usespecial technology for anti-corrosion treatment of ordinary spiral steel pipe, so that the spiral steel pipe has a certain anti-corrosion capacity. Imvamisa, isetshenziselwa ukumelana manzi, ukumelana ne-antirust, ukumelana nesisekelo se-acid kanye nokuphikiswa kwe-oxidation. ...Funda kabanzi
Izimbangela Zezimbobo Zomoya Emapayipi Ensimbi
Funda kabanzi - 1. I-Carbon (C) .Carbon yinto ebaluleke kakhulu yamakhemikhali ethinta ukuguqulwa kwepulasitiki okubandayo kwensimbi. Okuqukethwe okuphezulu kwekhabhoni, amandla aphezulu wensimbi, kanye neplastiki ebandayo. Kufakazelwe ukuthi kulo lonke ukwanda okungu-0.1% kokuqukethwe kwekhabhoni, amandla okuvutha angemuva ...Funda kabanzi
Izidingo zephakheji le-Great Cuam Traw Shisa Pipe
The transportation of large diameter spiral steel pipe is a difficult problem in delivery. In order to prevent the damage to the steel pipe during transportation, it is necessary to pack the steel pipe. 1. Uma umthengi enezidingo ezikhethekile zezinto zokupakisha nezindlela zokupakisha zomoya ...Funda kabanzi